Monday, June 3, 2024

I am hurt

 Now, the feelings for him are scattering,

Even the birds are not chirping.

When I look at his dear darling,

I can't compare nor I am daring.

I don't know why but the feelings are fading away in a dramatic way. I loved him so hard and now I gave up even before I convinced my feelings to him. Maybe I knew that he was going to reject me, or I knew that I am not capable to be his. 

Still, I will keep this spirit up because it doesn't pull me back from anything and I am okay with it. Fate has decided it for me, and I have no option to ignore it. I am confident that this departure will make me a better and stronger me. 

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Dear papa

 Papa, i am scared to lose you when i grow old and sometimes i wish i could stay small with you forever but this is not what god had written...