Friday, May 17, 2024

I am waiting for you.

 It's summer again and the same season the first time i crushed on you.

But it is the third summer right after i loved you.

Seems like yesterday but it has been three years now.

I am still liking you but you never notice me.

I like your eyes which i desire to look at always and i love you which i wish to have.

But you know not everything goes as we wish just like the day you walked away with her.

I was left speechless and emotionless for a day.

Still it is fine cause if you love her than i cannot force you to like me.

Cause i know the feelings of unwanted.

I will love you and always will admire your eyes.

Stay with her and never leave her cause girls are soft hearted you know it.

I will try to hide my feelings for you just for you.

To my secret crush.

                                  - crush 68>

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Dear papa

 Papa, i am scared to lose you when i grow old and sometimes i wish i could stay small with you forever but this is not what god had written...