Saturday, May 11, 2024

Cruel fate

How cruel a fate can be,

Sending an angel to hurt me,

I wanted love and support from her,

But I am left to be a Lier forever.

I can't control the fate, but I can't handle the pain of it as well. I want it to stop and give me some kindness, but it showers me the sorrow. Still, I will hope for the happiness cause the bad intentions won't stop me from hoping every day. You also should never let the bad moments haunt you but remind you that the happiness is on its way to you. 

I remember now that the fate told me that, " You might have encountered so many bad things or moments in life, but you should know that it reminds you that the happiness is coming on its way. If you happen to encounter happiness now, then the sorrow is on its journey to haunt you because it needs to teach you that nothing lasts for long or lifetime."

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Dear papa

 Papa, i am scared to lose you when i grow old and sometimes i wish i could stay small with you forever but this is not what god had written...