Monday, April 29, 2024

Self Talk



Oh.. when he cried,

left my heart dried,

and left the world upside-down,

with questions of scattered lawn.

I am sorry that the tears had to fall down in this moment but trust me from now you don't have to worry because you will forget me soon after this day and live a peaceful life which I snatched away from you. I know that I will be foolish enough to not accept your love for me but you know I don't deserve it.

I will remember the unforgettable love you gave me and will remember you as well. I am thankful for your love towards me and keep up the kind nature that you have.  



 Dear Papa

Your huge warm hands,
Keeps the harm away from lands,
Never to even touch me,
Cause I was your little baby.

I knew your pain,
Yet I could never explain.
Remained like a ball,
under your protection wall.

When I was scared,
You told me not to be afraid,
and told me to endure all the pain,
for the insecurities can't be explain.


Fallen Friendship

In spring the seeds grow,

In summer it glows,

In autumn it dries,

And in winter it falls...

Just like our friendship fell apart.  


How can I pour out the sadness of losing you and the desperate feelings I get to meet and talk to you. I know that I might have been a little harsh on you and it suffocates you all the time you spent with me. I know that I get the jealousy feelings whenever you get close to others, but I can't control the worry of you forgetting me and I am foolish enough to think that because you never wanted to forget me. I am that clingy friend which wanted to occupy every time of yours and I realize that I made you uncomfortable.

We have failed our friendship last year, but you know that not everything has an end to it like the depth of the sea. Let's give our friendship bound a chance to rebuild its form and to never break like it has been in the last year. Wish our friendship last till our death and even after that.

Dear papa

 Papa, i am scared to lose you when i grow old and sometimes i wish i could stay small with you forever but this is not what god had written...